China's One Child Policy Essay

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Just imagen being told that you could not have more than one child. In most areas this is not the case, however China is one of the areas that has a one-child policy. China has lived with this restriction since its leader, Deng Xiaoping established it in 1978 as we learned in chapter 11. It was first established due to China’s lack of natural resources for its population. However China is now facing more issues due to the one-child policy. Starting in 2016, there will no longer be a one-child policy but but a two-child policy.
In 1949, China’s leader named, Mao Zedong encouraged the growth of China’s population. He wanted to increase China’s population because he wanted the manpower, which he got, however with its downfall in later years. One of the main downfalls of an increased population was China struggle to support itself. Since the population increase the need for resources increased. According to See How the One-Child Policy Changed China, it states that 1959 to 1961, 15 to 30 million people died due to the lack of resources. After those horrible years the one-child policy was strictly put into place. If a family disobeyed this …show more content…

“The Chinese citizens over the age of 65 will soar to 219 million in 2030” (Clarke, 2015) if this occurs the working population will decrease immensely. Without a working population, China’s economy would begin to crumble. Another shocking fact is the working population used to be 3.7 million and has fallen to 916 million (Denyer, 2015), however, like in chapter 11 we learned that the population itself has decreased immensely. Even with the two-child policy, China will still feel the effects because the new policy will not take effect on the working population until the children grow up and won’t come until the children that are born in the coming year grow up to go into the

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