China's One Child Policy Dbq Essay

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What would you rather have, siblings or no siblings? “Late Long and Few”, for couples to marry later on in life, then have children, but only a few. This policy was for the opponents and supporters. Was china’s One-Child Policy a good idea, which a married couple is only allowed to have one child. In my own opinion, no the policy was not a good idea. It was a bad idea because woman had bad health problems and their was self-harm happening with the children, but one good thing was that they all had more food to eat and more land to live on. In document A it didn’t talks about population growth and that the economy can go all wrong. There has always been a large population in china, the population wouldn’t even fall below sixty million in the ancient times. Later, china became most economically wealthy and the strongest, also in the eighteenth century the population rose exceedingly. When the Qing Dynasty ruled, china reached a population of three-hundred million. After the population slowly crept up again. The One-Child Policy had began to be enforced. Yes, it didn't stop fertile people in china, and the population kept rising, but this policy did prove to have some effect. …show more content…

In the year 1980 china introduced their One-Child Policy. In some way the policy has helped. “Chinese officials that the one child policy has helped avert four-hundred million births..” At the same time it didn't help at all. “The one child policy, critics warned, would forcefully alter kin relations for chinese families, and result in the accelerated.” on this document it was a good idea because less children would be placed in better homes than they already were

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