China's Population Law Should NOT Be Abolished In China

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In the early 1970’s, Mao’s government began to support families not to have children,but that's not right.People should have the freedom to have as much children as they want.They are making a law that they should only have two children in China. They really only want one child but the limit is two.That isn’t right.If these parents have more than two or one children, the third will like not exist. China's population law should not be abolished because it ensures that there will be enough resources to go around, it protects the environment, and it ensures a higher standard of living. First of all, China’s population law should not be abolished because it ensures that there will enough resources to go around it.In the article “China's population control”, the author states ”While population is growing, the rate of this growth is actually slowing down.” .There will not be enough resources because there are to many children for it to go around.Also, there will not be enough space for everyone.Another reason is because the family will not be able to produce enough money.That is why china’s population should not abolished. …show more content…

The law protects the environment because it limits the pollution.Also, it would make population small and there won’t be cars or emissions around.In the article “China’s Ghost Cities”, the author states ‘’Chinese citizens, however, were unable to afford the prices of these cities, or they were hesitant to leave the rural communities they know.’’When the government builds more building and other things some parents or adults can’t afford the prices.The parents or people can’t afford this because the parents are having to buy and do things not to have

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