Christianity And Buddhism Comparison Essay

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A critical look at the similarities of Buddhism and Christianity
Buddhism and Christianity share many differences. However, these two religions also share similar ideas in regards to their society, structure of beliefs and the importance absent authoritative figures such as Jesus Christ and the Buddha. Currently there are no written records by Buddha himself, most of what is taught was spoken to his followers his teachings were written down by others similarly, Jesus Christ wrote nothing himself but accounts of his ministry can be found in sources such as the bible . both the Buddha and Jesus Christ used story’s or parables to teach those who approached them these narratives often reflected current events or the current world around them this style of teaching made it easy for people who chose to follow them better relate though both teachers are now gone but their influence created ripple effects among generations both religions continue to adapt and change through time but the teachings of both the Buddha and Jesus Christ as absent authority figures remain apparent and a central part of the beliefs systems …show more content…

Though Buddhism does not associate its self with there being a god. The narrative of Jesus Christ does bear similar resemblances to the “Four Noble Truths” found in Buddhism. These four truths outline a standard of living for the Mahayana Buddhist () for example the craving described in the origin of Dukkha can be compared to Jesus Christ suffering the hunger, thirsts and temptations of mortal man as well as the cessation of Dukkha can be compared to the passion of the Christ, and his final moment during the final moments of his crucifixion. The teachings outlined by both religions are profound and moving by themselves, but share similar point regarding the path through life. concepts of morality and judgment are also shared among Buddhism and Christianity as stated by Christopher