Christianity Vs Islam Compare And Contrast

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Christianity versus Islam
Religion has always been a controversial topic in the world. One may ask ‘what are the similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam?’ To answer this question, developing these two religions is necessary. Born in Palestine at the time where this part of the Middle East was occupied by the Romans and became the official religion of the Roman empire in the IV century, Christianity is a monotheistic religion (belief in one God) tracing its roots all the way back to the sects of Judaism and founded on the faith in Jesus Christ, his teachings and life. Appeared in the seventh century in Arabia under the leadership of his prophet and messenger Muhammad, Islam is an absolute monotheistic religion based on the Quran and tracing its roots back to Judaism and Christianity. Indeed, these two religions have a common history and share …show more content…

In like manner, Abraham, ancestor of all the nations and especially of the people of the Middle East, is the central character of Christianity and Islam. These two religions share together the fact that, they considered Abraham as their ‘spiritual’ and ‘natural’ father whose lineage stretches up to Jesus Christ and to the Prophet Mohammed. Therefore, they are considered Abrahamic religions. Furthermore, Abraham was the one chosen by God to sacrifice his son in the two religions to test his faith. However, Abraham’s son chosen to be sacrificed is different in the Bible and in the Quran. According to the Quran, the child chosen to be sacrificed was Ishmael, whereas the Bible mentions Isaac as the one that had to be sacrificed. For the most part, even despite this point of dissimilarity, Abraham is still considered till today as one of the greatest prophets of history for both Christianity and