
How Is Christianity Different From Islamic Path To Salvation

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According to the sources, how does an individual show that he/she is faithful? How does he/sh5e achieve salvation? Are there more similarities or differences in the expectations and demands of these two religions?
The religions Islam and Christianity jointly believe in one god with a path towards salvation. In fact, many of the ideals are nearly identical. The expectations, ways in which one achieves salvation and how individuals present their faith, seemingly mirror each other. The similarities greatly exceed the differences in the Islam and Christianity religions.
The Islamic religion proclaims, “anyone who believes in God and the Last Day, and performs good deeds, will have nothing to fear or regret” (145). It is here where the Islamic path to salvation can be found. By living a life of good and proclaiming God to be the one true god, one can find salvation. Similarly, the story of Piers the Ploughman illiterates the Christian path to salvation in which each character is a virtue one must contain and each landmark is a commandment to be met with in order to find deliverance. It states, “there are also seven sisters, the eternal servants of Truth, who keep the postern-gates of the castle. These are Abstinence and Humanity, Chastity and Charity. His chief …show more content…

Followers of the Islamic faith are instructed not to kill others, as page 144 clearly states, “Whosoever kills a human being, except as a punishment for murder, or for spreading corruption in the land, it shall be like killing all of humanity” (144). They are further commanded not to commit falsehood, proclaiming, “O people of the Book, do not overstep the bounds of truth in your beliefs” (146). The most suitable synopsis of the Islamic religions can be found in the first passage, it declares, “but he who performs good deeds…will surely enter Paradise, and shall not be deprived even an iota of his reward”

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