Christianity Vs Islam Research Paper

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Religion is a system of faith and worship throughout the whole world. There is an estimate of 10,000 religions. Even though there 10,000, about 84 percent of the world population is attached to one of the five largest religions in the world. While researching two different world religions, this essay will contribute ideas on the spread of religion, how people view these religions and compare and contrast religions to each other to find similarities and differences.

Christianity and Islam are two of the five largest religions in the world. Christianity started when a guy named Jesus called himself the son of god. He wanted to bring spiritual salvation and eternal life to anyone who believed him. He traveled around passing his message to people around him. Although Jesus had died, his message was still alive passing through other people. Although Jesus died, a guy named Paul spread the message of Jesus even though he never met him. Paul immediately joined the christians to spread his message. Islam was another large religion that spread everywhere. Islam started when a guy named Muhammad informed the people that he was the messenger of god. In order to be a Muslim, …show more content…

Jesus said that they were equal to men and he refused to treat them different from men. Many women were welcomed christianity’s promise that in church there is neither slave nor free and neither male or female. Women served as teachers and administrators. Both men and women continued to work as missionaries sent out by the church to convert people to christianity. Before Islam the position in women varied. In some communities women were active in religion,trade or politics while in most societies at that time most women had limited rights. Women had to obey a male guardian. Islam then extended rights and protection to women by affirming the spiritual equality. Although Men and women were treated equally, they had different