Christopher Columbus Multiculturalism

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Multiculturalism is inevitable because it is surrounds us all whether we like it or not. But unfortunately history and education are not inclusive of all narratives, which leads to a focus on a dominant culture. Multiculturalism to me is not just a concept; it is a very important term for which history teachers and historians need to integrate into their lectures. I as a student have been told about all the accomplishments certain heroes have done throughout their life but I have never been told about all the values, behaviors and cultures one needs to know about. Therefore, I feel that education needs to reflect the multiple cultures, histories, and narratives that make up our diverse and multicultural society.
Multiculturalism is more than just religions, values, and behaviors …show more content…

Christopher Columbus has been generally known for discovering the United States but in reality he should also be known for the harm he has caused as well. Columbus along with the men who accompanied him along his journey destroyed people, culture, and land. In, “History is a Weapon: A people’s history of the United States” by Howard Zinn, it claims that Christopher Columbus who “discovered” the Americas, created a change in history while simultaneously leaving scars behind. In the eyes of some historians, Christopher Columbus is most likely a hero because of his discovery of United States. But in a multicultural stand point Columbus is not the best representation of what a true idol would do along his journey because of the damage he has done. To Columbus it obviously did not occur to consider these people in any terms, Christopher saw it as a two-way line, which were both a master and a slave. The overall actions were just a foreshadowing of what Indians had to overcome. These actions should indicate that Columbus was not heroic once multiculturalism came into