Cinder Discrimination Quotes

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Kristen Stewart once said, “Judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are.” There are many times in history when groups of people or just one person have been discriminated. There are times in books too, such as the book Scarlett by Marissa Meyer. This book shows simple reasons to be discriminated, like how Lunars are judged. Another example is how people perceive people like Wolf. There is also how people look and judge Cinder because of how she is. But instead of getting mad and making those accusations look true, they go beyond and try to make a change in the accusations. In this book, you will learn the lessons and discrimination. The theme of this novel is to look beyond the simple things in people. People discriminate easily, just taking one little thing and turning it against them. In this book, there are so many ways people discriminate. They are against discriminate Lunars just because they are from the moon. “‘That girl’s a Lunar!’ a woman yelled. ‘She should be executed!’” (Meyers, 17). If not for the fact that it was shown on TV that Cinder was a Lunar that woman would not have cared whether or not she was executed. Meyers shows hints of our past discrimination in a futuristic way. She shows how we people on their skin color or …show more content…

“‘Come on cyborg girl’” (Meyer, 185). People don’t realize that she had to go through the pain of adding the cyborg parts. Her stepmother treated her very poorly and made sure the only thing she did is make money for her. No one realizes the pain of going of being an outcast, fugitive and not knowing who they actually are. She goes through that every day because she is a cyborg and people discriminate her for it. But unlike for Wolf, people weren’t scared of her before. People shouldn’t have done that to her either way