Mildred D. Taylor's Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry

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In Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, by Mildred D. Taylor, we get to experience the life of an African American girl, named Cassie. Cassie’s family owns a lot of land, and they are harassed by whites to sell it. The family goes through a lot of hassle to live a normal life. They also start to notice inequality.Cassie wants everything to be equal, but throughout the book, She decides to stand up for what she thinks is right. Cassie has grown up knowing not everything is equal. When the African Americans to school they must walk, even if it is rain or shine. The whites get to ride the bus all the time, no matter what. When the bus catches the African American children walking down the street they speed up and splash them with mud. The got sick of the discrimination so they decided to do something about it. ”While Stacey and I shoveled ragged holes almost a yard wide and a foot deep toward each other, dumping the excess mud into the water-filled gullies, Little Man and Christopher-John scooped bucketfuls of the red earth from the road’s center.” (51). This shows she stood up for what she wants because even though she should not have dug the hole for the bus to get stuck in, she wanted the white kids to experience and have them feel what is it like to walk to school every day. Cassie knew …show more content…

She accidently bumped into Lillian Jean, a white girl. Back in that time, African Americans were supposed to apologize to whites if they did anything wrong, even if it was not their fault. Lillian Jean told Cassie to apologize to her for bumping into her. Cassie refuses to apologize. Mr. Simms, Lillian's dad, and Big Ma talk. “Big Ma looked at me again, her voice cracking as she spoke. Go on child… apologize. But, Big Ma--” (115). This shows Cassie wants to stand up and does not want to apologize to her because she thought she did not do anything wrong. She stands up for what she thinks is right, but she was told to obey by Big