
Civil Rights Movement Ethos Pathos Logos

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In the Civil Rights Movement there were three speakers, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, and President John F. Kennedy who all approached the same issue in different ways. Some of them were stronger speakers, with the use of different persuasive methods like ethos, logos, pathos, parallelism, and repetition. This topic shines light on the movement and directly presents what Americans heard and grew from in this era of ignorance and violence, molding modern America. These three pivotal speakers were all persuasive, but the one most persuasive to me would be Martin Luther King Jr because of his use of the most persuasive methods. In Dr.King’s speech we see a mix between logos and pathos persuasion methods. For example, at the beginning of his speech, he starts to recite many turning points in American history. Such as Abraham Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation one hundred years ago. He uses this historical event to identify the injustices that African Africans felt, by sharing their “shameful condition” that doesn’t live up to other historical documents that he also recites. Such as the Declaration of …show more content…

Kennedy passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he always sharecased many insightful and supportive content to bring unity within the states. As seen with his efficacious parallelism in his inaugural address, inspired by Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Which also formatted the tool of parallelism in its frequent repetition in “we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground.” Making it closely related to the repetition in JFK’s inaugural address with "What we need in the United States is not.” Which strongly emphasizes the importance through its repetition. To finally inspire and shape Dr. King’s famous “I Have A Dream '' speech. Which repeats the line “I have a dream,” in parallel structure. To make you listen and re-encounter the stress in his words. Through which he states his dreams as what he wants to see

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