
Civil War Dbq

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The Civil War Who won the Civil War? The Union Army won the Civil War which was proven when the Confederacy rejoined the Union and abolished slavery. The Civil War was a period in American history from April 1861 to April 1865. During the duration of the war, it is estimated that over 700,000 people lost their lives. The United States was divided over the idea of slavery. The Union, also known as the Northern States, wanted to ban slavery, but the Confederacy, or the Southern States, wanted slavery to remain legal. When President Lincoln was elected, the Confederacy decided to secede from the Union in fear that Lincoln would ban slavery. Their secession led to the outbreak of the Civil War. In the end, the Union ended up winning the war due …show more content…

The Confederacy had 1.25 million fewer members in their army than the Union. Even though the Union was initially losing more men, and faster than the Confederacy, they were still better off in battle because they started with so many more members in their army. Once the Confederacy’s men started to drop fast, they had fewer people fighting to protect their beliefs. The war went on for years, which was much longer than anyone predicted. Ultimately, the Confederacy lost over half of their men during the duration of this war, and they decided it was in their best interest to call it quits. They realized they could no longer fend against the Union army, because they had a much larger number of army …show more content…

For example, in the Battle of Gettysburg, the Union was able to drastically increase their shooting accuracy. They were able to do this because of the invention of rifling. This allowed them to hit their targets easier and much faster than ever before. They could also shoot much further now. This battle was very tough for the Confederacy. It is estimated that the Confederacy lost over 28,000 men in this battle alone. This wiped out over ⅓ of the remaining Confederate army. On the other hand, the Union only lost about 23,000 men. The Confederacy’s army was already drastically smaller to start with, but now that their men were dropping faster and in greater numbers than the Union's, they had started to fall behind in the war. This was a major turning point in the war, from this point on, the Union always had more army power than the Confederacy, helping them to overcome the Confederates and win the

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