Compare And Contrast Union And Confederacy

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This had to do with battle cries and freedom songs during the civil war between the years 1861 to 1865. The Union and Confederacy comes in place and it is known that slavery was the primary source of the civil war. (Goldberg, ed., The American Journey, 417). When comparing the Union and confederacy, they are a lot of dissimilar attributes between these groups. During the early war between the years 1861-1862, neither side was a 100% prepared for the war but the Union Army was bigger, and could draw on a far bigger populace for substitutions. The Union Army had better equipment and ammunition, and could fabricate their own particular cannons. The Union's powers were comprised of a far bigger rate of workers, and as a rule had great junior and …show more content…

Union military was to grab the capital and addition the Mississippi River. The Emancipation Proclamation which was issued by President Abraham Lincoln changed the nature of the war. January 1, 1863, the decree was issued stating to free slaves in all Confederates states that are still in rebellion. (Goldberg et al., 406). In conclusion, after assuming control charge of the Confederate Army in 1862, Robert E. Lee's arrangement was to assault the Union Army and endeavor to deliver such annihilations on the Union Army that Lincoln would become sick of attempting to bring the South once more into the Union and surrender. Lee's arrangements won unsaid backing from Davis, as Lee's goals rotated around the Union Army and didn't require an extended crusade in the North. In any case, these fights, while "effective" were expensive for the South, and large portions of the triumphs were not definitive. For instance, the Army of the Potomac crushed the Army of Northern Virginia in the Battle of Malvern Hill toward the end of George B. McClellan's Peninsular Campaign, and delivered substantial setbacks on Lee's armed force. In any case, McClellan, be that as it may, overestimated Lee's quality and continued withdrawing, basically permitting Lee to guarantee the triumph at Malvern Hill. The tentativeness or idiocy of numerous Union administrators in the East permitted Lee to increase some quality