
Claire Durrenmatt Quotes

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Well known play write and author Friedrich Durrenmatt , in his play, The Visit, portays the theme of power and control. Durrenmatt’s purpose is to focus in on justice and challenge its true meaning. Through the character Claire Zachanassian is a woman of great wealth and extreme regulation over the town of Gullen. Having this kind of power she manipulates the town into working for her, against her former lover Ill. Claire is seeking vengeance after Ill wronged her many years ago. She will go to extreme measures to achieve such vengeance, as she feels it is well deserved. Her money and power is clearly no match for humanity. Claire is able to corrupt the minds of the citizens of Gullen with her authority and gets what she may desire. Claire …show more content…

The black panther in The Visit is used by Durrenmatt to describe Alfred Ill and his inevitable fate. “The panther is loose, The panther is loose! We have heard him growling, We have heard him growling!” When it died, Claire says, “Poor little thing. A funeral march, Roby” (53 &59). This quote is foreshadowing the demise of Alfred Ill. Claire brought the panther into town and the people who killed it were hunting it. It is exactly what the people of Gullen are doing to Ill. Because the town wants the money from Claire, They ignore Ill’s pleads for protection and his cries of fear. They act as if nothing is wrong and pretend that they have his best interest in heart. Eventually Ill gives up on trying to save himself because he then realizes that as well that humanity is no match for Claire’s wealth. The town has been making plans on how to further advance the town of Gullen after Ill is dead. The town is beginning to clean up and the people are starting to buy newer and more expensive items. Another clue that Ill took note of was when they were preparing for his death. He said, “ They are decorating my coffin, Mayor? Silence is too dangerous for me” (54). Alfred Ill realizes that Claire has gained prominence over the people and he is trying to speak up on the issue. However, Ill eventually gives up on trying to save himself. He at this moment is finally taking responsibility of his actions from many years ago and is beginning to accept the consequences that come along with it. He realizes that he has no power o change the inevitable. That has all gone to

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