Climate Science Persuasive Essay

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Four out of ten people don’t believe in climate change, while the others aren’t really doing much about it (Why People Don’t Believe in Climate Science Video). Just because you don’t believe in something, doesn’t automatically make you right. There is an agreement by scientist the climate change is happening, 97% of scientists agree (Why People Don’t Believe in Climate Science Video). There is evidence that humans are causing it, and if we don’t change our energy policy, stop drilling for oil, and fix factory farming the Earth will continue to warm and it will continue to cause trouble for us.
Climate change is happening and we are causing it. Since the industrial revolution there has been a 40% increase in CO2, which is one of the greenhouse gases. Volcanos only emit 1% as much CO2 as we do. The CO2 isn’t the only greenhouse gas that has increased, methane from farm animals, gas processing, and nitrous oxide from fertilizers also have a hand to the damage. Oceans are being affected more than we realized, they are the Earth’s largest carbon sink, the more CO2 we produce, the more acidic the ocean gets. This is the greatest issue for our species (Climate Science: What You Need to Know). …show more content…

We react to things that are personal, abrupt, immoral, and happening now. With climate change none of that is the case, it’s an impersonal thing that is happening to everybody, it’s gradual and seems to live in the future. Even for the people who do believe in climate change, they believe it will affect the future generations and not them, which is wrong, we are seeing the effects all the time. This is a hard problem because we can’t blame any one person or company, almost every person has a hand in it, which means we are all at risk. We have become numb to anything that isn’t about to kill us right now (Why People Don’t Believe in Climate Science