Reflection On Experience Of A Nursing Student

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Second week into second semester nursing school, how exciting. The nursing student went to Northeastern Plains Homecare. At this rotation the nursing student, experienced many different achievements, as well as many challenges. A different arrangement of nursing skills was accomplished in my two days at clinicals. Some of the nursing skills the nursing student were able to observe were the wound care on an unstageable ulcer, preform venipuncture for PT/INR testing, and watching MED boxes be filled. The nursing student, was able to tag along with a RN Tina/Jen and enjoyed the atmosphere of the home health care setting. In the two days of clinicals, the nursing student was able to observe many different roles the home health care nurse preformed …show more content…

My performance throughout clinical setting was under my standards as always. As a nursing student, my standards are very high. At the clinical setting, the nursing student was shy at first, however throughout the day the nursing student started to grow out of the shyness. The nursing student did however engage in all the activities possible throughout the day. The nursing student, was able to complete a venipuncture on the first try by herself. Being able to complete this accomplishment by one selves, helps build confidence in the nursing student. One thing the nursing student felt like she did very well in the clinical setting, was preforming a complete head to toe on each patient and knowing how to perform the task thrown at her. Communication is one thing the nursing student could have done better. The nursing student had a hard time having conversation with the patient due to little lack of knowledge on the topics being discussed. On the start of the second day, the nursing student felt way more comfortable at the clinical site and preform different task for the patients. To summarize the second day, the nursing student began by seeing 4 different patient all with MED boxes. At this clinical setting, the nursing student was able to provide a head to toe assessment and have some great conversations with the patient. The nursing student was also able to gain knowledge, review medications, the indications, and side effects for them. The nursing student was able to meet a new patient of home health care and do an admission. The nursing student was able to interact with the patient and complete a head to toe assessment. If the nursing student had to go back and reflect on the second day, the nursing student would feel more positive on her performance compared to the