Clinical Picture Of Alcoholism Essay

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Alcoholism is another disorder in which people obtain in our society. Alcoholism is known as a brain and behavioral issue. People turn to alcohol when they are depressed in order to get over a mental state they are suffering from. Alcohol abuse is a major problem that is effecting our society today. When people deal with alcoholism does not only effect the person that is obtaining the alcohol, it effects the people who love them as well such as family and friends.” Alcohol significantly lowers performance on cognitive tasks such as problem solving—and the more complex the task, the more the impairment (Pickworth et al., 1997)”. Alcoholism causes so many deaths in our country, people think it only effects the abuser but that not true. The clinical picture of alcoholism it effects a person memory, sexual activities. People who use alcohol can do everything a normal person without any substance abuse can just the after effects take a different toll on person.
Researchers demonstrate co-morbidity among disorders …show more content…

By making an assumption of a person who abuses alcohol. Two different mental illnesses, what is measured as true comorbidity, or an indicator of a principal disorder of instinct control, which is defined by Feinstein