
Clockwork Orange Good Vs Evil

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Society today is faced with a shift in morals. The world’s youth, to an extent, try to change social norm. However, what if the new brought change destroyed every virtue a sane individual held dear? In the novel A Clockwork Orange, written by Anthony Burgess, depicts the dilemma of good versus evil in perceptions of human nature. The science fiction novel takes the reader through the teenage life of a boy named Alex DeLarge. Alex, only at the young age of fifteen, is the leader of a small gang who together rob, rape, and assault business owners and innocent people wandering the streets at night. The members of Alex’s gang are Georgie and Dim. Dim obviously named for his lack of awareness. Through the beginning of the book Alex tries …show more content…

Instead of helping Alex, Dim knocks him unconscious and they let the authorities arrest him. Being arrested was bad for Alex, but a burglary charge wouldn’t affect him that much. However, things turn for the worst when it is found out the woman Alex assaulted in that raid has died. Alex is tried and sentenced to fourteen years in prison. After maintaining proper conduct in prison, Alex is offered a chance to shorten his sentence dramatically. All he has to do is undergo a short behavioral treatment program. During the two weeks of treatment he is forced to watch violent attacks, forced to take many drugs, and is mentally and physically demolished. After the treatment, any action or thought of violence would cause his body physical pain. Once Alex is released into society, he shortly realized that he could not defend himself from the enemies he made before his prison term. After weeks of suffering Alex attempts suicide by jumping out a building’s window stories high. His attempt is a failure. After he awakes from his coma her realizes that the treatment once put on him is gone, and he is returned to his original state before treatment program. Consequently, the reader is lead to believe that Alex will soon return back to his old vicious ways and be no help build

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