Clothing In The Scarlet Letter

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On May 16th, my classmates and I all wore certain letters on our clothing in reference to The Scarlet Letter, one of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s most famous novels. In the novel, the protagonist, Hester Prynne, is punished for having an extramarital affair. After serving a time in prison, the Puritan judges order her to wear a scarlet ‘A’ on her clothing, every day, for the rest of her natural life, to inform everyone who glanced at her that she was an adulterer- a devastating social and psychological punishment. I wore a ‘P’ on my jacket. It stands for ‘procrastinator’. I procrastinate on nearly everything, every day. I’m not sure exactly when I began to procrastinate so lengthily on everything. It doesn’t seem to matter if I have some sort of motivation or reward at the other end- I can’t seem to bring myself to do things in a timely manner. (In fact, I’m still writing this essay at 1 AM, the morning of the day it’s …show more content…

My lovely mother made it out of interesting clock-patterned paper and laminated it afterwards. Overall, the experience was somewhat embarrassing. I don’t talk to too many people, so most everyone didn’t bother to ask me about it. They most likely figured it was just a decoration I had decided to wear for whatever odd reason. I almost felt the need to put a small sign on it that read something along the lines of “This is for a school project,” or explain its purpose to everyone who gave it an offhanded glance. Those who did pursue the truth generally mentioned that they had seen other people wearing letters as well, and wished to know why. After I told each enquirer that I am a procrastinator, I don’t think that their visions of me changed all that much. Most of the people I told already knew that I constantly put off work until the last minute, but for the few that didn’t know, I feel that the revelation wasn’t that