
Cloud Obliterate The Whole Sky Analysis

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“Don’t let one cloud obliterate the whole sky.”- Anais Nin. This quote relates to having a positive attitude in a negative situation. People such as Anne Frank from The Diary of Anne Frank and Louise Ogawa from Dear Miss Breed showed that when a group of people tried to put them down, they held their head up high and did not let those people get in the way of their happiness. When they were put into a horrific situation they decided to admire the beauty of it and they made the best of what they had. That is why having a positive attitude is the most optimal way to handle the effects of a negative situation. First and foremost, Anne Frank has set an example of what to do in a dispute. Instead of whining and complaining of being in the conditions she was put in, Anne decided to make the best of her situation …show more content…

Rosa Parks was an African-American civil rights activist. When she was told to give up her seat to a white passenger, she refused the bus segregation. When Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat, she remained calm. Instead of yelling back at the bus driver she peacefully accepted the fact that he called the police. After her arrest, Rosa Parks decided that she was not going to let people, who thought they were superior to her, get in the way of her freedom. After her arrest, she decided to help organize the the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Without resilience, Parks might not have fought as long as she did for her beliefs. Overall Rosa Parks’ chaotic lifetime, anywhere from arrests to boycotts, she showed how strong humankind can become in a time of need. If there is one thing you can take away from Rosa Parks’, it is “ you must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right” (Parks). Through this and many other quotes, you can distinguish that when it came to life she had a few major priorities; to be humble, to stay positive, and to stand up for what is

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