Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Essay

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The Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Individuals with Depression Mental illness is an unfortunate disease that plagues millions of people nationwide. One of the most common mental disorders in the country, and in the world, is depression. Depression, also called clinical depression, is a mood disorder in which those affected often suffer prolonged sadness, gradually lose interest in activities that were previously enjoyed, and become detached from loved ones. Despite its complexity, depression is quite curable; the most common treatment for depression is psychotherapy, and arguably the most effective type of psychotherapy is cognitive behavior therapy. For those individuals who suffer from depression, the numerous benefits of …show more content…

Another way depression may develop in one’s body is biologically; one’s neurotransmitters, brain chemicals that carry one neuron to another, affects their behavior, feelings, and thought patterns, and if there is ever an inadequate amount of chemicals that causes depression, norepinephrine and serotonin, then depression arises. Thirdly, there are psychological factors; having feelings of loneliness and sadness can lead to low self-esteem and depression. Lastly, environmental factors can affect one’s depression once the individual is forced to face hardship that they were unprepared for. (Moragne …show more content…

The more common types of depression are major depression, dysthymia, and manic depression (or bipolar disorder). Major depression is clearly the most extreme form of depression, wherein whomever is affected may be unable to even function. Dysthymia, known also minor chronic depression, is less severe than major depression; dysthymia may arise due to the stress of a major change in one’s life and usually lasts at least two years. The seemingly most common form of depression is manic depression, or bipolar disorder, in which one may be extremely joyful one moment and exceedingly cheerless the next; it affects about one percent of all Americans. Other forms of depression include seasonal affective disorder, which varies by seasons, and reactive depression, which is a shorter form of dysthymia. (Ayer

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