Cognitive Development During Adolescence

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“Adolescence is the transition period childhood to adulthood, extending from puberty to independence.” This period is often referred to as “the struggle between the need to stand out, and the need to belong.” Adolescents believe that they must maintain a particular image in order to remain a part of a group that provides them with a sense of security. However, even though they belong to a group they are not fully satisfied with their own identity. Adolescence is a time full of growth, change, and development. Teenagers must take a closer look at their own identities and through trying out and taking on new identities in order to create their own sense of self.
“Biological processes drive many aspects of this growth and development, with the …show more content…

These changes in the brain are likely to stimulate cognitive growth and development, including the capacity for abstract reasoning” (NAP). Cognitive development has proven to vastly increased during adolescence. Children at the age of twelve, enter Piaget’s Formal Operations Period at the start of this transition period. During the adolescence period, “the principles of logic unfold gradually” The skills accomplished during the Formal Operations Period are greatly influenced by other social cultures and values. However, cognitive abilities increase, other areas seem to slip during adolescence. David Elkind, a psychologist, believed that Adolescent Egocentrism is encouraged during the adolescent transition period. During Adolescent Egocentrism, the world is only seen by the individual's own perspective. This results in the adolescent behavior of rebellion to higher authority, inability to receive criticism from others, and quick to blame others. Adolescent Egocentrism leads to two distortions of imaginary audience and personal fables. With imaginary audience the adolescent believes themself to be the center of attention. Personal fables are where the adolescent believes they are special and not controlled by anyone. This leads to risky decision making and behaviors. However, cognitive abilities do increase, academic achievement tends to decrease during adolescence. Adolescents often find it hard to create their own identities. As adolescent development occurs young adults determine their values and beliefs. Perspective is also established through relativism. This may also result in skepticism, which is the rejection of norms and authority and no right and wrongs. Tolerance of altering beliefs may also result from relativism but a decreased tolerance for helping or