Peer Influence On Smoking Essay

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this research provides substantial evidence that smoking among friends predicts adolescent future smoking, but modest evidence that general prevalence, for example, within a particular grade or school, predicts future smoking, with the exception though, of cases where a higher general prevalence of smoking among senior students is related to an increase in smoking among lower-grade students (leatherdale, cameron, brown, jolin kroeker, 2006). however, while this literature bettered our understanding of peer influence on adolescent smoking, it does not address how peer group influences actually work. friends appear to provide the greatest peer influence on adolescent smoking; peer groups (close friends) provide independent influence, but their influence may also interact with that of the best friend. peer and parental influences on longitudinal trajectories of smoking among african americans and puerto ricans.., …show more content…

provide a useful framework for the discussion of social influence, in general, and peer influence, in particular, on smoking, the paper is organized around the following key questions: what is social influence? however, it may be useful here to point out the centrality of social norms in the prominent theories typically used to design research and explain findings on peer group effects.: identity, adolescence, relationships with peersresumeobjectif:selon erik erikson, la principale tache des adolescents consiste a resoudre la crise d'identite versus la confusion des roles. the main tasks of this literature review were to: summarize results of adolescents' identity development and relationships with peers; and, discuss the theoretical factors that could predict the links of adolescent identity development and relationships with