Persuasive Essay Smoking

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Smoking should be banned in public places? Smoking should be banned in public places because smoking can cause health problems to the children and people who do not smoke, the workplace can be healthy and cigarettes cost more. Can smoking cause health problem? Well yes, smoking can cause health problems such as heart attack, strokes, and respiratory diseases. some children and people who do not smoke can also cause health problem because people who smoke passes by them and non-smoker get infected. In the US there are about forty-six thousand non-smoking people die from secondhand smoke exposure. People who smoke cigarette had lung cancer more than non-smokers. The cigarette contains seven thousand chemical and seventy chemical can cause lung cancer. Some small children are also addicted to smoke they smoke every day and at the age of 15 - 18 they get a heart attack. Smoking addiction starts at the young age and like eighty percent of American start smoking before 18 years old and forty-six million Americans age 18 or older smoke cigarette. It is most dangerous for children under the age of 5 because of smoke sometimes they cannot take the breath and they die. So, a smoker should not go near children directly while smoking or after smoking. Some people try to smoke every day but they did not realize that it is the addiction. Tobacco company does not want them to know that cigarette can harm people. Smoking