Collaborative Behavioral Skills

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Forming Skills:
In this category of the collaborative behavioral skills, our group has many strengths. We are effective at asking for opinions and elaboration on questions and statements to create a better group understanding. On various group assignments and RAT study guides, if we had different answers or questions about how a member arrived at a certain answer, we were confident in the ability to question one another for clarification. We can sustain this strength in the future by continuing to come prepared to meetings with assignments completed or dividing up work and asking for clarification on ideas we are confused about or answers that we differ from one another in. Another one of our group’s strengths is that we encourage everyone …show more content…

One of the skills we were strong in was asking other members why and how they are reasoning. This skill was used during all of our group work. It was especially useful when we would be taking our RATs, since there were times when we didn 't all have to same answers so we would have to ask why each person picked the answer they do, to help us find the best answer possible. We can sustain this strength by continuing to ask for everyone 's input so that we can always get the best answer possible. Another skill we were very strong in was being able to help decide the next step. I think this skill shows how organized we are since we always know what we need to do after we finish one thing. This is normally demonstrated when we are working on group activities in class. For example, when we had to work on the tool demonstration we would all help decide how each tool should be acted out and then we would go to the next step to see who would best fit each role. The way we can sustain this strength is by communicating with each other openly about what the best way is to move forward in a project. We can also improve upon this skill by assigning each person a job or part when working on a project so it done in the most effective way …show more content…

There were many skill sets we became competent in since the beginning of the year. One of our greatest strengths as a group is that we are able to see ideas from each other’s perspectives very easily. A big part of the year when it was relevant that this skill set was present was during group RATs. When we took our RATs, on occasion we would encounter a problem where we split in half of who got it right. We defend our answer and eventually all group members would see how the idea was applied better when it was put into a different perspective, then we would scratch our card and more often than not get the right answer. This is one reason I believe that we got great grades on our group RATs. Another skill that is strongly shown through when we would take our RATs, was the skill to not hesitate in asking justification for another’s answers. We would all take into consideration what the better answer would be and agree as a team on what we thought would be the best