
College Admissions Essay

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I have already studied abroad at one of China’s leading Universities, Fudan university, I am currently a teacher's aid for the Chinese Language at Kiski Prep school, and I’ve already surpassed the expected character recognition goal of my teacher by 700 characters. At most institutions, this would be enough for me to enter college with a minor in Chinese. At that point, what would be my motivation to continue my Chinese studies? I believe that UPenn’s East Asian Languages and Civilizations (EALC) major will allow me to continue my advanced language studies, and dive into Chinese Civilization studies. Unlike most colleges UPenn provides the opportunity to not only study Chinese civilization but Japanese as well. This appeals to me greatly because I studied Japanese for three years in middle school.
Japanese was the language I intended on studying throughout high school until I discovered my secondary school did not offer Japanese. I believe that both Chinese and Japanese civilizations share common origins and developments, and to study both concurrently will allow me to make inferences and connections to better understand East Asian civilizations. The Chinese-Japanese combination is a unique and interesting combination and is something I can not find at any other institution. Most colleges restrict you to major in one of the …show more content…

“The College” is known for its distinctive brand of liberal arts education. It allows for a more intimate and intellectual setting, meaning that I will be able to personally know my professors and classmates. This will benefit me when we begin to engage in out of the classroom activities. Not to forget that UPenn is a world-class research institution, and having access to research facilities at the undergraduate level gives the Arts and Science students the best of both

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