College Admission Essay

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In the Fall of 2017, I will be attending the University of Idaho. When deciding on schools, I had several characteristics in mind: affordable, close to home, beautiful, and friendly. When visiting the college in October, I experienced each of the aspects in a huge way. The tuition is one of the lowest I have seen, it is less than a two hour drive from home, the scenery is breathtaking, and every person that I encountered was super friendly and gave my mom and me a warm welcome. At this point in my decision process, I believe that I will be attending the University of Idaho for a full three years without transferring to another school.
I will begin my first year of college as a sophomore because I will be graduating high school with thirty …show more content…

With my two majors, I will be able to teach Spanish at the high school level. My minor will allow me to teach English to Spanish-speaking students whether here in the United States or in a Spanish-speaking country. I have just recently decided to become a teacher, and I have always loved helping my peers and those younger than me with their course work. I also love to travel and experience the world, so this will allow me to teach in other countries while experiencing the different cultures of the Spanish-speaking …show more content…

This is the average that is projected for the entire country, not just Idaho. There are more intangible rewards that accompany this career than there are tangible. The tangible rewards that could be gained would be the salary and possible gifts from the students. There are an insurmountable number of intangible rewards of being a teacher that include watching students reach goals, a better understanding of teenagers, being able to make connections with students and other teachers, and being able to leave class everyday with a smile on my face. I want to teach because I love to help people understand the world and what it holds, not for the money. The intangible rewards that come from teaching will follow me for the rest of my

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