
College Admissions Essay: Breaking Out Of High School

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Throughout my years in high school, I have through many different activities that require many different leadership qualities. Every activity I have participated in I had to pick up on time management, responsibility, and leadership. These are all things that I used now rather it is at work, school, or any appointments out of school. The qualities show in what I do and I try my best to get everything I can do. Even when activities overlapped each other I still made time the next day I could to get or do anything I needed to do. I have been in three different sports throughout high school to and have learned how to be a team player. This will also should in my work because I try to get involved in any way I can. The last couple of years I have broken out of my comfort zone. I am not …show more content…

I have made many of my appointments on my own and have been on time for everyone that I have made. My future will depend on me to still do these things even though I am out of high school because soon I will start being on my own and learning how to deal with it. I know if you ask anyone they could tell you these qualities that I have developed over the many years of being in activities. My freshman year I was apart of a lot of things and that is when I decided I liked being part of a team that felt like a family at school. It was easy doing these things in school and I have been able to be in all these while keeping my GPA at a 3.8. Everything was about planning it out and as soon as I got that down it became easy to add more things to it. I was in sports all year long plus in seven different activities. While being in FFA and student council I was able to build up many community hours. My two years on student council I have got 176 hours and for FFA we would spend class periods going down to local business that might have needed help. That is not included in my for student

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