College Admissions Essay: One Of The Greatest Tests As An Athlete

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One of the greatest tests as an athlete is not what everyone might think. It’s not about wining and it’s not about losing. It’s not about how many touchdowns, homeruns, baskets, or in my case, kills, that a person can muster. What matters is what lies in your heart. Now, I know that may sound a bit cheesy, but it’s true. The ability to be a stand-out player both on and off the court lies in the player’s love for the game. It takes heart to move on from a loss with your head held high. It takes heart to shake your winning opponents hand with a smile on your face. It takes heart to commend them for their accomplishments and wish them luck in their endeavors. I do these things because I’ve learned what truly matters, and that is sportsmanship. …show more content…

My freshman year, the varsity squad accumulated only four wins. By my senior year, I was fortunate enough to be a part of the group who finally overcame that spot amongst the “losers.” We amassed a winning record of twenty-one wins and thirteen losses. A person might say that I had it rough those three years where all we knew was loss. Of course, it was hard to see defeat regularly plagued across my teammates faces. However, seeing their faces and reflecting on all of those trouncing losses taught me something valuable. I did not want to be amongst the people who let it get to their head. I was going to be the one to lend my teammates the help, support, and pick-me-ups they needed before, during, and after the game. I was going to be the one who made it known to my opponents that I was not to be negatively impacted by that loss. For every loss opens a chance to learn and grow. After every game, win or loss, I clap my opponent’s hands with a smile on my face. I’ve also reached out to several players from other teams to applaud them on their hard work and for making my team a better team because of