
College Admissions Essay: The Day That Changed My Life

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At a very young age, I knew that I wanted to be an OB/GYN. It was my dream because I have an insane obsession with babies and wanted to be a part of the miracle of life. I grew up in an extremely diverse town, never knowing how it felt to be a minority and feeling as if I do not belong. I was also a shy and insecure girl who’s only goal in life was getting good grades and getting into college. I never really had any close friends due to the fact that I was bullied a lot for thinness. However, when I entered high school everything got significantly better. I met people who were just as ambitious as me, who were not bullies and due to that I cracked my shell and became a more open person. By senior year, I had grown significantly and had become …show more content…

It was uncomfortable at first, it always takes some time to adjust to a new environment, and everyone was extremely friendly. Even though I was looking on the bright side of things and I was feeling more comfortable in this new environment, my first set of exams grades were atrocious. Me, a 4.0 student getting Cs and Ds on my exams. My whole world came crashing down and I went into a gloomy state. My RAs and my PM were the people that saved me from myself and so I decided that I wanted to do the same for the next person that goes through this. Throughout the year, I have learned that changes in your life occur and when these changes happen, we should not run away or hide from them. As freshman year comes to a close, I am again a brand new person. I am someone who values family, I am a feminist, I am someone who advocates for the racial equality, I am someone who is learning to go with the flow, I am someone who is caring, I am someone who is smart and most importantly I am someone who still needs to work on herself. This class has made me realize who I am now and also made me realize what kind of person I want to be in the …show more content…

My favorite discussions were the discussion on communication and being an ally. We brought up a lot of important issues that has been going on around us and we learned how we can best apply it in our roles as RAs. I learned that to be an ally is listening to the issues and that it’s not always about you and how you feel and that just being there for someone is so rewarding and will the person you are supporting feel comfortable. Listening can also be applied to communication. One of the various activities that we did was to just listen to someone talk and not give any comments or feedback which was extremely hard to do. We’re always so focused on giving feedback that we never actually hear the person out because we are thinking about our response. My favorite discussions by far were the discussions were we just talked and talked without any end in sight. Those were the discussions were I was truly able to say what was on my mind and my opinions and observations were always met with positivity and something to learn. These discussions and activities truly made the class the amazing experience that it

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