
College Admissions Essay: The Value Of A Higher Education

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“Higher education is needed.” This is thrown around, but for myself, I want to pursue learning outside of high school. If I am educated then I can also educate or give educational opportunities to my family or community. A higher education is not only something I know will benefit me in life, but a decent salary would help create these opportunities for higher education. I would be more than willing to help anyone in their career path because I can see its importance and impact in my daily life.
I am raised with a helping hand, and I have my whole family to thank. But I can really see where education has an impact and that is through my father. He went into the armed forces, and after, he pursued his education at a local community college. …show more content…

I would help a niece that wants to try classes a local community college but needs money for books or even needs help in applying. My parents have paid for semesters at a local community college for their nieces and nephews to attend. They helped give them a chance at a life with a degree supporting them and soon I will will be the “Tio Tonio” and “Uncle Tony” in my family. My sister will soon be having twins and I want to be the role model outside of their parents. I would also house a nephew while he is in between jobs because I have been surrounded by this love my entire life.They have also housed many family members throughout the years. Owning a house has been a tool to help many family members when times were not easy. My cousin and her daughter stay in a comfortable room together and my grandfather also has his own room. I would definitely house my parents when they retire. It would help if I was stable myself but I believe that will not be an issue with my motivation to succeed in higher …show more content…

Salinas, California is known for gang violence and was also ranked second in the least educated cities of America last year. I have personally experienced the effects of an “uneducated” community and the violence that occurs within the youth of such a community. Furthermore, I have witnessed the effects living in our community has had on the mindset of the youth. Coming back to my community after receiving a higher education, and changing the stereotypes of a hispanic male, will enable me to better my community and the youth within it.
It is not the safest place. I was robbed while walking home from school and sadly, this is not uncommon. I have also witnessed a possible shooting. Two weeks ago, I was walking to school when I saw a car pull beside a group of freshmen students. A male in a hoodie hunched outside of the car window and pointed a gun at the students. He did not fire his weapon and the car sped off. I do not want to be apart of the stereotype of the typical Latino male but my looks give a bad impression on

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