College Admissions Essay: The Value Of Education

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Although I have attended decent schools throughout my life, my attitude towards education has not been static. At the peak of his career, my father enrolled me (just like my sibling) to the best private schools in the city. Furthermore, because my father’s income was sufficient to support our family, my mother decided to become a full-time mom and raise 5 children. My mother did a great job by always checking my math progress, my homework and even hired a home tutor, who used to stop by our house on weekends before a quiz or an exam as well as during summer. I was getting all the attention and supervision form my parents and teachers alike about my education, at an age where I was incapable of comprehending the value of a good education. As Conley pointed out, I also come from a community that maintains an “extremely close ties between adults, and they support each other’s parenting rules” (528). As a result, …show more content…

After resettling in the capital, I continued attending a private school for the next few years. However, I was not getting the same quality of education or attention that I was accustomed to. I became negligent with school and also started to associate with the wrong type of kids, where I started to like the attention I was getting from fellow students. It was the beginning of a downfall. I started getting bad grades and my parents were too busy to notice because they were struggling to adjust to our new life. Perhaps it was the result of resource dilution model, “A hypothesis stating that parents resources (financial, material, physical, etc) are finite and that every child depletes them” (Conley p.530). In the case of my family, it was the absence of resources. It was got worse once I reached high