College Athletes Persuasive Speeches

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Take a minute and think of all the great memories and crazy moments college sports bring to us all around the world. Whether you’re at home sweating bullets because your team is in a nail biter or at the game doing the wave with every crazy fan, college sports unite us as one. But we tend forget who is bringing us all these bundles of emotion and unforgettable plays, should college athletes be paid for performing and putting their bodies on the line for the school and entertainment purposes?
I don’t see why college athletes couldn’t be paid, they dedicate too much time and effort out of their life not to. Millions of dollars are being made, but the players aren’t touching any of it and they’re the ones putting their body on the line. You have …show more content…

Michael Bennett stated "I think the NCAA is one of the biggest scams in America, because these kids put so much on the line, and they study hard, they play football as hard as they can, but if they don't crack the NFL, then [the NCAA] says, 'We gave you a free degree.' That's like me owning a restaurant and saying, 'I'll give you a free burger.'... I'm just giving you something I already have. Athletes don't get enough credit, and a lot of the schools don't really do anything for the guys after they graduate. I think there are very few schools that actually care about the players.” All in all, college athletes dedicate too much time and effort out of their lives to not be paid. If the NCAA truly is a billion dollar industry, who is consecutively generating more income every year, then why is it such a big deal to pay the athletes for all of their work? Don't let the nice jerseys or big smiles fool you, these players may seem like they might have everything perfect and figured out, but in reality they are struggling like the rest of college students; except the fact they don't catch a break. So, the next time you catch a local school game on tv, the radio, or even in person; think to yourself, will college athletes really sit back and let a billion dollar association make money off of their name and not see a single dime from it or will they stand up for themselves and demand the pay they so badly