Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

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Should college athletes be paid? College athletes should be paid do with the work they put in for their school and all the money they bring to the school. I get it that there on full scholarship well, some of them, but they also bring in millions to their school just off of one sport sometimes. And for the NCAA not wanting to pay them is absolutely dumb! Just to throw out a little bit of facts the NCAA nearly topped 1 billion in revenue in the 2014 season. They could pay every athlete from division 1, 2, 3, 2,000 dollars a semester and still have money left over because that’s not including the TV rights that they almost make 500 million off of. And for the NCAA to pay an average 1 million dollars to division 1 head coaches is crazy for them …show more content…

And the majority of the NCAA revenue comes from media rights which is around 10.8 billion. But if they're able to pay their athletes it can teach them financial responsibility so when they make it bigger they know how to take care of their money and learn how to save. The way they treat the players have been like a job they're always on the road always at practice and at school sometimes, but not enough time on campus for them to get a job and for them to make their own money on their own time like other students. Then the question comes up why can’t they work in the summer when they're not playing basketball? Well, they can but are they going to know how to save their money and stretch it out if they have never been taught how to do it? No. I’m not saying go pay them thousands of dollars each month, but I am saying pay them some money so that if they wanted to go out and have some fun they can or want to go out and shop there shouldn’t be nothing wrong with paying them for that type of reason and no not cash put it on a card. It’s a multi-billion dollar business where the only people who are restricted in their earnings, in anyway, are the