College Athletes Should Get Paid Essay

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Where’s my share?” is a simple question that is often asked by college athletes. Over the past few years, this debate has intensified and students are beginning to wonder why they see none of the profits they bring in to the college and universities. Meanwhile, now more than every, college coaches are making a ridiculous salary for themselves. The infamous quote of Derek Bok, President of Harvard, once said, “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” Many, like Bok, believe that the main goal of colleges and universities are to provide education to our communities. According to Chessman-Day and Newberger, research showed that people with a college degree earned more money in lifetime earnings than those who are non-graduates (Chessman-Day and Newberger, 2002). There have been arguments where it has been said that colleges who claim that students are already getting paid in education, are outdated. But there is still belief that paying college athlete’s money would cause less long-term issues. The NCAA claims that the student athletes are students first and athletes second. Regardless of how they get paid, universities and colleges can pay a large amount of money each year for their player’s education, but many do not …show more content…

The scholarships they get awarded for come with benefits that include tuition, food, and room and board. The student is responsible for reaching a degree as a student. The sport they choose to involve themselves in is something they do out of love. The rules are straightforward to both ends of the party (Cozzillio, 1989). Judy Rose, the athletics director of the Charlotte 49ers, believes that the university these athletes perform for is seen as a platform. This platform serves as an opportunity to be visible and earn