
Should College Athletes Be Paid Thesis

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Thesis Statement: Although paying college athletes seems unfair, it is the right thing to do because it will convince athletes to get a four year degree, they are the ones who bring money to their school, and it will teach them valuable lessons on how to manage money. Birkenes, Adele, and Akash Bagaria. "Pay to play: Should College Athletes Be Paid?" Current Events, a Weekly Reader publication, 6 Feb. 2012, p. 7. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A279613787/OVIC?u=avlr&xid=ddc324df. Accessed 22 Mar. 2017. (AVL Magazine) Summary: this article looks at both side of my topic. First he mentions that not paying college athletes leads to many athletes selling their apparel on the black market which is illegal and …show more content…

"Are College Athletes the Same as Prisoners? These Judges Seem to Think So." Washington Post, 5 Jan. 2017. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A476650646/OVIC?u=avlr&xid=96cefced. Accessed 22 Mar. 2017.(AVL Newspaper) Summary: This article shows support for paying student athletes. The article compares student athletes to prisoners because they work countless hour for only the bare necessities. The author strengthens his argument by stating that Nick Saban makes 7 million dollars a year , and Jim Harbaugh makes 9 million a year. The author is trying to show that universities give the money to the wrong people. He believe that student athletes do most of the work, and they should get a piece of the pie. Assessment and Reflection: Although this article made many valid points, I do not believe it is useful to me. However, I did like the statement where student athletes are compared to prisoner. This shows how most of there life is trapped between classroom walls or on the field, yet they have nothing to show for it. The author and source are credible because it was on the AVL and is was written exceptionally well. The language was biased, but convincing. This article made me see that not everything thing I read will work for my research paper, and I should look at a variety of …show more content…

“Viewpoint: College Athletes Should Be Paid.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 24 Dec. 2016, college.usatoday.com/2016/12/24/college-athletes-should-be-paid/. Accessed 22 Mar. 2017. (Web) Summary: This article argues the many benefits of paying college athletes. In 2015 the March Madness tournament made 800 million dollars. This is just for one basketball tournament. The average cost for a ticket during the Final Four was 1,151.98 dollars. It goes on to mention that many star student athletes play college basketball for one year then go professional so they can make money. The author points out that if college athletes were paid, then they more of them would stay in college and earn their college degree. Assessment and Reflection: This article is perfect for my research paper. It talks about most of my major points. The facts and statistics it uses are interesting, though provoking, and relevant to me. I agree with what this article has to say, and it also strengthens my opinion in paying college athletes. The author was biased, but not in a harmful way. The source if credible because it is from USA Today which is a credible source, and it is also well written. Not only is it well written, but also understandable. This helps me focus on what the article is

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