Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

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There is a big question going around the “sports world” right now. Should college athletes be paid? Lots of people have their own opinions about this topic, whether it be that student athletes should be paid or not. You can definitely argue both ways but college athletes should not receive a salary for playing a sport. Let’s look at the evidence that shows that student athlete salaries are an outrageous claim. The first reason why college athletes should not be paid is because the sport that they play is not a job, it is a privilege. College athletics is something that only a handful of people get to experience. You’re lucky to be able to even play a college sport, let alone get paid for doing it. Some people don’t realize how lucky they are …show more content…

As you probably know, college is pretty expensive no matter where you go. This scholarship money that the athletes are receiving assists them in paying for college so that their families don't have to worry about saving up. The scholarship money significantly helps the families that may be struggling or are not as well off as other families. My next reason is if colleges paid student athletes they would have to make cuts to other programs. If every student athlete got paid a certain amount of money, there simply wouldn’t be enough money to go around. There are so many collegiate athletes nowadays. Just think how many players are on a college football team? If the colleges paid student athletes, they would need more fundraisers and other money-raising events to get by. My final reason is you never know what the student athletes will spend that money on. Sure, some athletes could put that money to good use, helping their families out if they are in need of some money to help them live. However, a lot of athletes will probably spend that money on other things. These items could include drugs, alcohol, etc. This would not benefit the players situation which is why collegiate athletes should not be