College Entry Essay

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College is traditionally said to be the best four years of your life due to the immense learning opportunities that are presented to you as you unmask yourself in new and exciting experiences. Throughout college, you begin to find yourself growing not only intellectually but, you often find yourself as an individual throughout this process. Studying abroad in a different country will not only present even more opportunities to experience new ideas and ways of life. It also will help one evolve to become even more culturally involved and perhaps gain a different perspective on life.

I am applying to the England - Humanities II in Oxford 251 program to do such things within my college career. For essentially, majority of my life, I have always wanted to travel to abroad to experience and understand the culture and history, and appreciate another country’s unique beauty. I have picked this location because of what Oxford has to offer and my general love for English culture. As a child, I grew up reading all of the Harry …show more content…

I am very passionate about pursuing a career in Holistic Health with my degree and attending Graduate School. This program is centered around educational goals because it allows me to take credits that I would need to take at Geneseo but in a different country. With a Bachelor of Science in Biology the program is very rigid in nature with what classes you need to take and when. With this, it is increasingly hard for me to study abroad during the semester. By taking a humanities course abroad, it allows me to take more classes here at Geneseo towards the semester; to better help me pursue more what I want to do in the future. Additionally, this program will further help me achieve my goal of practicing holistic health and will help me even better understand a topic that is outside my major, on a first-hand basis in my undergraduate