College Entry Essay

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When I left for college I did not know what I wanted to study, and after I got here it took me a little while to figure out what I wanted. Hence why I am applying as a second year student. What I did know was that I wanted to invest in myself and receive an education that would prepare me for my time after school. I have since decided I would like to pursue an education in business, and hopefully finance. My personal experiences growing up and since starting college have led me to applying to and being prepared for the business school. My interest in business starts as far back as can be. My whole life I have seen and live with both my parents having MBAs working in the business field, my Dad with GE and my Mom with Northwestern Mutual. I have a very close relationship with my parents and am a curious person so I would often inquire about their days at work. As I have grown older I am better …show more content…

In the fall I took Marketing and Real Estate, and in the spring I am taking business analytics. My results in these classes show that I am more than capable of working at the level required for the business school. I have done fairly well in these courses getting a B in Real Estate and an AB in Marketing, as well as doing well in my current business analytics course. These results show that I am able to handle the exams and the group work asked of me in these classes. During my time in Business courses I enjoyed the curriculum and the way the courses were taught. Recently, in my business analytics class we had to do a case report. In this assignment we had to apply the formulas from class to data in excel, and then in a group turn the excel data into a visually appealing report. I really enjoyed doing this assignment because of how applicable work like this might be, and that is one of the key things I am looking to get out of

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