College Essay Format

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As you begin writing a paper or essay, the first step you need to take is writing a thesis or the main point you want to make. Your thesis will be your guide throughout your entire paper. Your thesis should be what immediately draws your readers to your paper, desiring to read more. Writing the thesis allows the writer to share their opinion, attitude and ideas in reference to the topic assigned or chosen by the writer. You will find as you write your paper, you will revert back to your thesis in order to confirm you have stayed on target with your topic. From my past history writing papers for Bethel, I have learned to appreciate a thesis and the assistance it gives me in writing good, supportable papers. As you begin developing your thesis it is important to key in on your main …show more content…

Try not to be the student who finds themselves’ repeating over and over. One time is what the reader needs to hear. While writing your paper it is imperative to utilize these rules in order to keep on track; “1.) common methods of organization, 2.) transitions, 3.) connecting words 4.) strong introduction 5.) strong conclusion.”(Bethel University, 2014, p. 15) Two methods which can be beneficial in writing papers are time and emphatic order. The time order helps you keep your words in order of the time they happened, while emphatic order allows you to “save the best for last” while writing. Transitions permit the writer to move effortlessly from one paragraph to the other without losing the readers’ attention. Because it is easy for a writer to find themselves repeating words and sentences, the connecting words such as synonyms along with pronouns can offer help in avoiding this. Producing a strong introduction, as well as the ultimate, strong conclusion is vital in every paper. (Bethel University,