
College Games Vs Video Games Research

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College vs Video Games Gaming is an imperative part of the modern college culture. Games have influenced large fraction of college students. These games range from classic two-dimensional platformers to highly analytical tactical online multiplayers. People argue playing games make a person less and less invested in their academics and consequently affect their G.P.A.s. However, this is not particularly true for some remarkable students. Some gamer students are doing exceptionally well in their subjects as well. These genius gamers believe that games have broadly expanded their way of visualizing a solution for a problem, they describe themselves as being able to strategize analytically in most of their course work. They explain that games …show more content…

Manahari Dahal, a 21-year-old computer science major at ULM, perfectly represents this prodigy. He says, “Playing online games helps me in some situations, I think games makes me more creative and able to tackle real world problems efficiently” (Dahal). He describes games being an intrinsic part of his day-to-day life. He has a specific and strict schedule planned out for every day. He reckons this tightly followed timetables help him function coherently and this way he can maintain a high standing in his subjects. Even though, the study time required for his courses has increased significantly, he shows no signs of giving up on video games. He explains, “I can give more hours for my studies, but the thing is if I study all the time by decreasing my gaming hours I don’t think I can function properly” (Dahal). Although gaming addiction might be a primary concern in this situation, Manahari’s ability to rigorously follow his timeline keeps him indulged in all the other important tasks as well. This is the only way he can administer college and video games at the same …show more content…

He has a distinct definition of how gaming is beneficial. He says, “I think games represents real world and how it works like nothing ever does, we learn things quickly without fear of making mistakes” (Pokhrel). He gains his confidence to face the actual world and people through video games. He is not able make the most out of his classes as he games for up to eleven hours in a day and has inadequate sleeping habits. His inability to coordinate his personal gaming life and college work is what differs him from Manahari. Sishir is aware of this problem, he says, “I am so invested in playing these games that it is difficult for me to stop it” (Pokhrel). He plans to work on his weaknesses and focus on his unique way of perceiving video

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