College Students Should Be Allowed In College

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You truly don't realize how much weight you put on from all the good food at college. It is a proven fact that 70% of college student gain up to 15 pounds or more. When all you wear is sweatpants everyday to class you don't notice how much weight you actually put on. From studying to partying, college students don't realize how much weight they are gaining from all the good food and the drinking. As a result of the freshman 15, it has influenced so many kid that something has to change. Parents need to realize what they’re putting their kids through when they send them off to college. It's hard to do when so many kids are partying and studying. A lot of kids are more worried about that, then their studies. It all depends on the kids. Everyone …show more content…

I find so many of my good friends that have went off to college and came back with the freshman 15 problem. After a few years, you start to realize how and what had happened to your body. But some people just don’t learn for that.When you have so many options to pick for, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner it becomes a big problem. You’re only suppose to be eating about 1,500-2,000 calories a day. Some college students will eat alone 1,000 calories for breakfast. So colleges should have more healthier food plans and healthier food choices. A lot of freshman kids tend to go crazy when they get to college. The reason why I address that is because when your parents don’t let you party at home, you just wanna party the whole time you’re at college. It’s not all the parents fault, it’s some of the college’s fault. When people have parties every night at college, the university needs to fix that. Universities should have more activities every night on campus. I feel like more kids would participate in that then some people would thing. Working out at college is tough. When you’re paying for classes, you don’t really focus on working out. Colleges should give out free gym membership or if you have a gym class that should be free