Colonialism And Globalism

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Globalism, a new name for the supposedly extinct practice previously known as: colonialism. From Great Britain in India, to the Germans in Namibia, colonialism was practiced throughout most of history, until recently, or so is said. Today globalism rules the world, or at least it’s economy. Some argue that as a result of globalism, the world is a prosperous place. But is it really? Does “the world” mean the world, or does it mean first world countries, or the top one percent? Although globalism has contributed to the world, it’s very definition portrays the similarities it shares with colonialism, not to mention it’s similar effect on third-world-countries and their economies. As a matter of fact, the dictionary provides the greatest similarity. Globalism is defined as placing the interests of the “world” above that of the individual country in terms of economics. Correspondingly, colonialism is defined as a policy of …show more content…

Along with this, skilled workers of developing nations leave and migrate to wealthy nations due to higher income, which is a result of globalized competition(Sharma).
Lastly, some argue that globalism has helped the economies of these poor GDP countries, but what they fail to realize is that they have not helped develop but rather helped handicap these economies. Globalism creates a monopoly or a “level playing field”(Thomson). A monopoly in which only the multi-national companies survive or actually thrive. The corporations do business with developing countries but instead of helping them develop their own independent economy, they end up becoming such an integral part of the economy that without them the economy would collapse.
Similarly, colonialism too fed off the country(ies) it ruled, used the country as an outsource of resources and labor, all while manipulating the economy to such an extent that if future freedom was brought, the economy would not be stable enough to withstand a complete absence of