Common Behavior Problems Essay

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Common Behavior Problems Experienced by the Respondents
Table 2 shows the common behavior problems experienced by the respondents. Among the common behavior problems are the following: irregular attendance in his or her classesranks first with a percentage of 86.67, meanwhile cutting classes ranks second with a percentage of 83.33, and disobedience ranks third with percentage of 70. Among the following indicators, the top three lowest are the following: destruction of school property ranks first with a percentage of 3.33, on the other hand gambling, non-wearing of ID and the prescribed uniform, and participation/organization of fraternities ranks second with a percentage of 6.67; immoral conduct ranks third among the lowest indicators with …show more content…

Immoral conduct on the other hand, pertains to saying of bad words and showing or doing sexual acts within and outside the school premises. Irregular attendance in his or her classes refers to a student who is absent from class for three consecutive days without excuse letter. Another behavior problem is the non-wearing of ID and the prescribed uniform wherein a student is not wearing his or her ID while inside the school premise and not wearing the recommended uniform instead he or she is wearing civilian clothes. Participation or organization of fraternities is also a behavior problem wherein student/students organize and join in an unauthorized group or organization that aims to hurt, intimidate, extort or cause fear to other students. On the other hand, smoking is a behavior problem wherein a student is caught buying and smoking cigarette within the perimeter of the school and inside the school premises. It also pertains to the use of vape inside the school and within the school perimeter. Lastly, wearing of earrings for boys and too much earrings for girls are also prohibited by the