Students should not have to be concerned about every tenth of a point on a pop quiz, which student is awarded valedictorian or who just barely made the top ten. A student should have a deep desire to learn about the world, and each individual in a student’s life, especially teachers and administrators, should be encouraging young people to pursue knowledge. Unfortunately, our educational system does not provide the proper environment for this type of exciting scholastic stimulation. Instead, students aimlessly work their way through piles of work that will only useful for passing some quizzes, a test or two, and eventually an exam. Then this cycle starts over again.
Todays twelve year trip through knowledge has (unknowingly) fabricated students from the same cloth. These same students are just statistics, they are just test scores published by greedy states vying for the title of “Good Educators.” Which further proves that America has a flawed school system, not only in the sense that students are slaves to the lofty test score goals but, schools also suppress creativity and the
Common Core State Standards CC.6.R.L.1: Key Ideas and Details: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. CC.6.R.I.3: Key Ideas and Details: Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).
With knowledge of the princess’s complex character, of human nature in general, and of the story’s structure, it undoubtable that she chose to spare his life. Undeniably, there is evidence suggesting that the princess’ jealousy may overcome the love and passion she feels toward her lover, leading her to send him to death by the jaws of the tiger. However, the princess is described as being as “blooming as [the king’s] most florid fancies and with a soul as fervent and imperious as his own.” Therefore, it would be more logical to conclude that the the princess, with feeling so ardent and forceful, could not bear to see her lover die a horrible, messy death.
It was discovered that in education there were certain areas that were universal and common among learning. The two main subjects of concern were English language arts and mathematics. Common core is the new curriculum implemented now in school systems to develop learning. Common Core Standards are a clear set of shared goals and expectations for the knowledge and skills students need in English language arts and mathematics at each grade level so they can be prepared to succeed in college, career, and life. Although, Common Core seems to be here to stay this article addresses concerns in reference to content, instruction, and assessment.
Teachers are real generations’ builders. A creative teacher leaves a great impact on the minds and souls of his students. The teacher’s job is not only about educational achievement, but also about the building of a personality. Each of us passed the experience of the school and taught by many teachers. Perhaps we loved a certain subject because we loved the teacher or hated another subject because of its teacher.
For example, teachers at Columbia Heights Education Campus give a student a lot of extra time to turn in their work which is bad because the students are learning that the teacher will just give them more time every day. Additionally, seven out of ten college students feel stressed which leads to dropping out. Also, thirty percent of college and university students drop out after their first year because of financial problems, stress, laziness and academic disqualification which proves how creative learning in high school didn’t help these students in self-empowerment or strength. Subsequently, when teachers are giving students free passes or extra time, they are destroying the students future because they are not teaching them hard work. Teaching students in a creative way is a waste of time for both students and teachers.
The Common Core state standard used through this learning segment is 8.EE.A.4: Perform operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation, including problems where both decimal and scientific notation are used. Use scientific notation and choose units of appropriate size for measurements of very large or very small quantities (e.g., use millimeters per year for seafloor spreading). Interpret scientific notation that has been generated by technology. For this learning segment, we will only be covering the first part of the standard where students will be performing operations in scientific notation. This standard addresses conceptual understanding because students must understand the meaning of scientific notation in order to perform operations
The new Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice (CCSSMP) describe a set of important expertise that math educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students (CCSS, 2010). One of the eight CCSSMPs - MP3 asks students to “construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.” However, this particular standard poses challenges to classroom teachers on how to forester students’ argumentation skills as they are the main weaknesses of US students’ learning. Research show that in math classrooms, students experience difficulty when explaining and justifying their thinking (Arbaugh, Brown, Lynch, & McGraw, 2004). Research on teachers’ knowledge indicates that many of the difficulties students have in learning
Common Core has unfounded negative connotations. Society does not like change and Common Core calls for change. The reality is Common Core changes the way our children learn material and better prepares them for college and a future career. Alexandra Petri laments the requirement that, "70 percent of high school seniors’ reading assignments be nonfiction” (Seyler). This is not an irrational expectation for those preparing to enter college level courses or the workforce.
The Common Core Sate Standards (CCSS) implemented in 2010 have brought significant change to the entire country. More than forty states, including California, have began the long and tedious transition into adopting the newly-developed, common academic standards that aims to bring the highest level of student achievement. In California, several independent reviews claim that the CCSS is not much different than the California State Standards. While the CCSS covers fewer topics, the new standards require a deeper understanding from the student.
The Accommodating Standard Several students around the United States, such as myself, believe that “Common Core Standards” sole purpose is to demolish happiness in its entirety. Fortunately, now I have come to see “Common Core”, not as my enemy, but as my ally. Several administrators and parents fight repeatedly over what they believe should be taught in their schools and what shouldn’t in order to protect beliefs within the household. One cannot discuss the infamous”Common Core”, without asking oneself who should be in control. Who should be allowed to mandate what children all over America are being taught, and what is without exception unacceptable.
In the state of Washington, the state- and federal-mandated standardized test is called Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). The intent of the SBAC is to test students on “knowledge, skills, and processes students display at predetermined levels of achievement” in the academic areas of ELA and math. The knowledge, skills, and processes are based off the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The test scores are used to calculate the achievement gap. The achievement gap is the difference in average test scores between various minority students to their white peers.
Education System The Finnish education system offers a stable, comprehensive education to its population, unlike the United States with standardized testing and repeating grades if necessary. Finland’s system does not put emphasis on examinations to gauge the academic strength of the students rather they focus on the student and if they comprehend what they are learning. On the other hand, certain individuals might feel that the American education system is a model of success with Common Core standards. Based on this major gap one can conclude that there are differences between both educational systems.
I have learned how to modify the Creative Curriculum to provide quality education and a challenging learning environment for cultural and diverse