Five Components Of Communication: The Five Communication Contexts

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Five Communication Contexts There are five contexts of communication. Each context significantly influences the way we communicate with one another, and with ourselves. These contexts include intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication, group communication, public communication, and mass communication. Each mode of communication shares similarities and differences. They can also overlap with one another. In this paper, I will describe each one, convey an example of each, and share which one appealed to me the most, and the least. The first context is that of intrapersonal communication. This one involves communicating with ourselves. It includes how we talk to ourselves, our self-concept, and our expectations of ourselves and the world around us. Our intrapersonal communication often determines how we respond to things. It can reflect how we talk to ourselves. It can be positive or negative. One example of this in my personal life was when I had to do a training at work. I had to present some research I did on teaching to a bunch of other teachers. Before I did it, I was trying to talk positively to myself. I was trying to tell myself that I could do it. This is an example of positive self-talk. It helped me get through the presentation successfully. The second context is that of interpersonal communication. This …show more content…

This form of communication involves sending one message to a large group of people, or a population. It can occur through a variety of channels: through the media, email, or through voice. One example of mass communication in my own life is when I was going to school. At times, the school would need to send out messages to a large population regarding a variety of topics. In order to notify the entire college (which consisted of 30,000 students), a mass email was sent out. This notified students of things like school closures, canceled classes, and other