
Communication: Speech Community Theory

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2.3.4. Speech Community Theory
Eventough women and men of a community have their own role they still considered as members of a speech community because they shares rules for exploiting and interpreting at least one communication practice. A speech community may include particular occasions, acts, or circumstances, with the understanding of at least one crucial for participation in a speech community. The expression "speech" is used to remain as a part of for different method in communication (verbal and nonverbal, written and spoken), the word “group" actually means more than one practice and therefore used to grasp the differences in the methods and meanings for communication (Romaine in Bhabha.H. 1994)
As indicated by Romaine:
A speech community is a group of people who do not necessarily share the same language, but share a set of norms and rules for the use of language. The boundaries between speech communities are essentially social rather than linguistic. A speech community is not necessarily co-extensive with a language community". (1994:22)

The underline is that the speech community can be seen from the similarity in profession, sex and other indication that show the unity of a group. One of the examples is a group of individuals accumulate in communication which shows patterns of talking, jargons, specific topic of conversation, etc.
In this sense, ethnographers of communication investigate different patterns of speaking, in variety of events, rituals and
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