Communism Vs Collectivism Essay

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Today’s society is one of invention, of discovery, of new ideas. It is also one of war, greed, and power. There exists such an idea known as democracy. This ideal is one that means freedom of speech, individual freedom, or the right to election of a society’s leadership. Yet, there is another conflicting set of ideals known as Communism or Fascism, or in broader terms, Collectivism. It builds on the belief that all mankind should be equal, that no single person should be superior to another. It also states that no single person shall think or act without the good of all in mind, that anything not created by the designated group as a whole is evil. Failure to comply is not tolerated, and any acts against this ideal are swiftly crushed, the instigator(s) made an example of, …show more content…

It has been hammered into the minds of the people for so long that any and all thought of opposition would be marked as ludicrous, if even considered at all. It has become a routine, the social norm for all that live in this society. Their leadership has ensured that most are not even aware that there is something outside of society as it is by raising and training each person since birth to believe that this is the correct way of things. The main character of the novella, Equality, states that by the law of their society,”We strive to be like all our brother men, for all men must be alike”(19). There are also many that have been brainwashed to the point that they have a true, wholehearted, undying loyalty to the standards with which they have been raised, and worship it as their religion, with the whole group’s general prosperity being their deity. These are the ones that aid in the passing of their beliefs from generation to generation, creating a constant loop that has existed for many years, and will undoubtedly exist for many years to