
My Community Service

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During my freshman year, I had the opportunity to volunteer and help others. Before this year, I had never volunteered before, so I knew this was my opportunity to do some community service to better others. I have found through my experience that I really love to volunteer, so I will continue volunteering on my own, rather than just doing it for a class. Doing service projects is a great way to get involved with the community. There are always people and businesses looking for help, and it is usually easy to find a way to help, especially when you are in FBLA. When Ms. Mirabal told the class about our community service project, I was excited because I never really volunteered before. Becoming involved in community service provided me with …show more content…

I chose this place because it has always been a second home to me, and I have always wanted to be a counselor and aid campers. I worked in the performing arts division, Habimah. The camp is split into bunks, based on the camper’s ages. For instance, I worked with Habimah 3, which are campers going into sixth grade to campers going into eighth grade. The youngest a camper can be going into Habimah is entering 2nd grade. The special part about Habimah is that the bunks just separate age; for the most part, we did everything together like one big family. The summer is split into two four-week sessions. Campers can either attend one of the two sessions or both. At the end of each session, Habimah puts on a performance for all the camps (during the day) and for the parents (during the evening). Throughout the summer, I assisted our camp supervisor with many tasks such as creating the playbill. I also helped with choreographing the dances, which consisted of many genres from ballet to hip-hop. Most importantly, I aided campers with anything they needed such as, taking them to the nurse, providing support if they were having a bad day, and anything else they needed. My favorite part of being a counselor was getting to know the campers and being the best counselor to them. I have attended the JCC since I was in Kindergarten, I always wanted to be in Habimah and when I got the chance, I never wanted to leave. Unfortunately, there comes a point when you have to graduate and move on. My way of moving on was becoming a counselor and giving back to the campers what was always given to me. This summer really impacted me as a person because seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces, taught me that community service does change this world for the

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