Company Culture And Customer Perceptions Of Chick-Fil-A

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Part I. Introductory paragraph In America, almost everybody loves to eat chicken- especially one that tastes delicious and served quickly. One popular fast food chain that rings a bell is Chick-fil-A, which specializes in serving delightful fried chicken sandwiches apart from other appetizing meals. The name Chick-fil-A originated from the word "chicken fillet," wherein the capital A at the end signifies superior quality (Taylor). In this paper, we will explore how the overall company culture influences the market position, employee relations, and customer perceptions of Chick-fil-A, as well as contributing factors to its accomplishments and shortcomings. Part II. Describe the company Chick-Fil-A can be traced back to its humble beginnings …show more content…

Its promotion centers on chicken burger consumption as an alternative to beef, with a catchphrase “Eat mor Chikin.” Chick-Fil-A also engages in various charitable works as an act of social responsibility. Its recruitment involves selection based on character, competency, and chemistry among applicants (Kruse). In this case, outstanding customer service is at the cornerstone of its …show more content…

The company offers employees a flexible work schedule, advancement opportunities, a positive work environment, and every Sundays off ( Some previous employees of Chick-fil-a stated that “the people you work with are definitely the best, because of the Chick-fil-A standards the people are the highest quality and make the job really enjoyable” (glassdoor). Dan Cathy, President and CEO of Chick-fil-A, made headlines in 2012, after he made a questionable remark about same-sex marriage. He landed himself and the company in a strange position when he stated that he was in “support of the traditional family” (Huffington Post). Cathy was ready to move on from this situation, but this political issues caused trouble with the company for a couple of years. Part 4: Explain how the culture impacts organizationally relevant

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